What are the costs of gender change surgery?
The cost of gender change surgery varies depending on the type of surgery and the location of the procedure. In the United States, the cost of gender change surgery can range from $ 20,000 to $ 100,000 or more.
$4,828 TO $9,657
What are the types of gender change surgery?
The types of gender change surgery include:
- Male-to-female (MTF) surgery, which may include breast augmentation, facial feminization surgery, and vaginoplasty.
- Female-to-male (FTM) surgery, which may include chest reconstruction, genital reconstruction, and facial masculinization surgery.
What are precautions and key tests should be done after gender change surgery?
After gender change surgery, it is important to follow the surgeon's instructions for recovery, which may include:
- Taking medications as prescribed
- Avoiding strenuous activity and lifting heavy objects
- Keeping the surgical area clean and dry
- Avoiding smoking and alcohol consumption